Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My New Nikon P6000 Camera

Bought a Nikon P6000 Camera on 17th Oct, Fri with Jason at Cathay. Yeah, I am quite satisfied with this buy though I may not have the proper photography skills to use this Nikon Camera butI can learn and I have a good teacher with me.

Anyway these are some of the nice pictures I took with it over that weekend with Jason~

The Camera took nice and clear micro pictures too ~

Monday, October 06, 2008

Some Of Our Shopping Buys~

Braun Buffel Bag (Sherry bought it specially for Jason as a reward for his completion of Master. )

Braun Buffel Zipper Wallet (Ideal Wallet For Jason.)

Lucky Charm Clover For Jason

Levis Denim Skirt (Jason bought it for the vain Sherry.)

3M Acne Patch
(Wa, it works wonders on pimple...Strongly recommended by Sherry.)
Silka Cloth (Erm, Sherry yet to try it with Jason.)

Perfume Brooch (Innovative Stuff but not that effective.)

Photoshoot Session 2 (By D80) on 4th Oct 2008

Tada~ Some pretty results from Photoshoot Session 2 on 4th Oct 08~

Photographer: Ever Talented Jason

Model: Ever Pretty Sherry