Thursday, September 11, 2008

New Clothes & Exercise Regime

Finally on Tues, Jason's mum (just like Sherry) cannot tahan him wearing the same few old clothes all the times, dragged him to shopping @ Robinson. Apparently there was a sale going on~

Haha, of cos Jason had to listen and followed. Yeah, Jason finally bought himself new shirts, new long sleeve shirts and pants for work~ Haha one must be wondering what the big deal of buying new clothes? Jason is really a hard nut to crack when comes to this~ Mind here, he is not stingy or miser but somehow he rather spend his $ on something else than clothes and he has grown too comforty with the old clothes he always wore.

Since his return, poor Sherry had been nagging him, dragging him to shop for some new clothes (not too many, just a few new ones) but she had always failed in this mission. Therefore Sherry was so thrilled that he finally 'succumbed' to his mum's order and got himself new stuffs! Mmm, but then again, seem that Jason still did not get any new bermudas for casual outing wic means his old brown bermuda will be still in action for the new few....... hehe~

Jason told Sherry a 'sad' news which he had discovered while shopping for pants and that is his waistline had grown..... Sherry definately not gloating over this but she is rather happy that bcos of this, Jason picked up the motivation to start eat healthy and do more exercises. Together with Sherry, they will slowly start an exercise regime and definately it is a good start for better health and shape.

Yeah! More updates on the exercise regime will be coming up~

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